Literature Reviews
What is a Literature Review?
A Literature Review is a critical review of existing knowledge on areas such as theories, critiques, methodologies, research findings, assessment and evaluations on a particular topic. It is not simply a summary to gather information from reports, journals and articles. A literature review involves a critical evaluation identifying similarities and differences between existing literatures and the work being undertaken. It reviews what have already been done in the context of a topic. Therefore, on the basis of the existing knowledge, people can build up innovative idea and concept for further research purpose.
Generally, a literature review consists of the aim, body, conclusion and references. In some scenarios, a literature review may be integrated into a research proposal. If this is the case, the sections of hypotheses and methods will be included. The sections of aim, hypothesis, and method should be approximately 10% of the length of the literature review.
Y | Declarative | ![]() |
Functioning | ||
Y | Take Time to Set | |
Take Time to Answer | ||
Take Time to Correct | ||
Take Time to provide Feedback | ||
Y | Suitable for Large Class | |
Y | Can substitute with Computers | |
Y | Passive | |
Active | ||
Y | Process Oriented Method | |
Y | Product Oriented Method | |
P = Possibly Y =Yes |
Marking Rubrics
Here is an example of the marking rubrics for Literature Review.
MARKING RUBRICS | Excellent | Proficient | Average | Poor |
Aim: | Aim was clearly outlined and comprehensively justified | Aim was outlined and justified | Aim was outlined but failed to justify | Aim was not outlined and justified |
Background: | Provided a very comprehensive and detailed background; a wide and deep coverage of the topic | Showed a detailed background but not comprehensive enough; sufficiently covered the work but a few areas not deep enough | A background with basic information; some key points missed; covered the topic at a general level | Lacked of significant details in the topic |
Critial analysis: | A comprehensive and critical analysis; applied the existing literatures to support the arguments/ the aim of study; identified the limitations of literatures | Some critical analysis; applied the existing literatures to support some arguments/ the aim of study; showed a few limitations of the literatures | A limited critical analysis; presented the existing literatures in a descriptive way; a limited analysis on the limitations of literatures | No critical analysis; only described some existing literatures; the limitations of literatures were not mentioned |
Evaluation: | Showed a comprehensive analysis of the similarities and differences between existing work and the student's work | Showed a basic analysis on the similarities and differences between existing work and the student's work | Very limited analysis on the similarities and differences between existing work and the student's work | Failed to analyze the similarities and differences between existing work and the student's work |
References: | Referencing and citation style was correct and consistent between the list and the text; reference list completely concise without errors | Referencing and citation style was consistent between the text and the list; reference list with only a few minor mistakes | Some references were inconsistent between the text and the list; reference list with some mistakes | Many references were inconsistent between the text and the list; a number of mistakes in the reference list |
Copy and paste the text below:
Chan C.(2009) Assessment: Literature Review, Assessment Resources@HKU, University of Hong Kong []: Available: Accessed: DATE