What is a Report?
Reports are documents which present detailed interpretation and content, and critical analysis of the results of an experiment, investigation and project on a particular topic. A report usually contains different sections, such as introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion. There may be a specific writing style and format for the report. Each discipline may have its specific format. There are various types of reports across different subjects, such as analytical reports in business field, and practical reports in some sciences subjects. Report writing is an important skill for students, as it is often used in all work fields.
In general, a report is made up of different sections with specific information.
Declarative | ![]() |
Y | Functioning | |
Take Time to Set | ||
Take Time to Answer | ||
Take Time to Correct | ||
Take Time to provide Feedback | ||
Y | Suitable for Large Class | |
Y | Can substitute with Computers | |
Y | Passive | |
Active | ||
Y | Process Oriented Method | |
Y | Product Oriented Method | |
P = Possibly Y =Yes |
Marking Rubrics
Here is an example of the marking rubrics for Report.
MARKING RUBRICS | Excellent | Proficient | Average | Poor |
Introduction: | The purposes and aim of the study were clearly stated; an in-depth coverage of the background; showed the previous and recent knowledge of the topic to support the aims of the study; hypothesis was clearly stated in a testable form with detailed explanation | The purposes and aim of the study were clearly stated; some in-depth background was shown; Previous and recent knowledge was showed in a descriptive way with little support to the aims of the study; hypothesis was clearly stated with basic explanation | The purposes and aim of the study were briefly stated; only covered the background at a basic level; only described the previous and recent knowledge; hypothesis was only described without explanation | The purpose and aim were not stated; briefly mentioned the background information and knowledge of the study; hypothesis was stated without explanation |
Materials and Methods: | Precisely and clearly outlined the method; reported the detailed procedures of the study/experiment; specified the use of particular materials and equipments in details; diagram was clear, simple, accurate, titled and labeled | Clearly outlined the method; reported the procedures of the study/experiment but a few points were not detailed enough; mentioned most of the materials and equipments; diagram was simple and clear but some labels were missed | Briefly outlined the method; briefly described the procedures; only mentioned some materials and equipments; diagram was not labeled in details | Briefly outlined the method; procedures of the study/experiment were described ambiguously; materials and equipments were briefly mentioned and some were missed |
Results: | Data were illustrated in a concise, clear and systematic way; clearly showed the formula and details of the calculations; tables and graphs were presented appropriately (including title, headings and units) | Data were showed in a clear way; showed most of the key steps of the calculations but a few steps missed; tables and graphs were presented with mirror errors | Data were shown in an ambiguous way with some non-significant findings included; calculations were not clear and detailed; tables and graphs were poorly presented | Data, calculations and tables were hard to follow; poor presentation of the results |
Discussion: | A detailed interpretation and evaluation of the data; identified and discussed the significance and relationship among data and the aim of the study; recognized and discussed the limitations of the data and methods; provided practical suggestions for future studies | An basic interpretation and evaluation of the data; identified and discussed some of the relationship among data and the aim of the study; identified a few limitations of the data and method; attempted to make a few suggestions but not practical enough | Only described the data with a little explanation and evaluation; the relationship among data and the aim of the study was discussed at a general level; limitations and suggestions for future studies were not stated | Only described the data without explanation |
Reference: | Referencing and citation style was correct and consistent between the list and the text; reference list was completely concise without errors | Referencing citation style was consistent between the text and the list; reference list with only a few mirror mistakes | Some references were inconsistent between text and list; reference list with some mistakes | Many references were inconsistent between the text and the list; a number of mistakes in the reference list |
Presentation: | Writing was well organized and followed the specific report format; clear and concise explanations of the technical terms; number, specific symbols and units of measurements were accurately presented | Writing was organized and mostly followed the specific report format with a few mirror mistakes; clear explanations of the technical terms; specific symbols, number and units of measurements were presented with a few mirror mistakes | Writing lacked of an organized flow and not followed the specific report format; only described the technical terms without explanations; number and units measurements were presented not accurately presented | Chaotic in organization and presentation of technical terms, numbers and units of measurements |
Copy and paste the text below:
Chan C.(2009) Assessment: Report, Assessment Resources@HKU, University of Hong Kong []: Available: Accessed: DATE